Start-up loan

For companies that have not been active for more than 3 years.

Different alternatives

Fixed interest rate 5%
Amortization 500 SEK/month

Alternative 1

50 000 SEK
/12 months

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Alternative 2

12 000 SEK
/6 months

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Alternative 3

10 000 SEK
/3 months

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That is how it works:

Submit your application

In the application, you fill in information about your company, how much you want to borrow and what the loan will be used for. You need to attach your latest financial statements.

We review your application

We review your application and see that all information is included. We take a credit report on the company.

Get in touch with us

After we have reviewed your application, an Almi advisor will contact you. Together we then do a needs analysis.

The case is being processed

Once all the information is in place, your case will be processed. As soon as the case is decided, you will be notified.


We have worked closely with companies since 1994

We have learned a lot about what it takes to succeed. Our goal is to promote the development of competitive small and medium-sized companies and stimulate new entrepreneurship. As a state-owned company, we also do not have our own profit interest, so you can be sure that we put the development of your company first.


Sustainable growth in customers and portfolio companies

Almi has a unique position as a market complementary player in the meeting with companies and entrepreneurs in the early stages. By drawing companies 'attention to sustainability risks and challenges at an early stage in entrepreneurship, opportunities are created for sustainability to become a more integrated part of companies' business models.

Ensure customer confidentiality and information security

Almi handles and stores business-sensitive information for the customer. It is Almi's responsibility as an organization to ensure a high level of customer confidentiality and that information about customers or other company information does not risk being disclosed. Basically, this is an important trust issue. Almi's activities are covered by a special secrecy law (1994: 77).

Gender equality and diversity

Almi is a modern and attractive workplace. This requires a healthy work climate and good leadership. Ethical and cultural diversity and an even gender and age distribution are also factors that contribute to a successful corporate culture. At Almi, all employees have the same opportunities, rights and obligations.

Reduced environmental impact

We work actively to reduce our own negative environmental impact from our own operations. We perceive it as important in order to take our responsibility based on the climate challenges we face and that it creates credibility in the work with the companies we offer financing and business development initiatives.

Competence development

Competence development is both an operational and strategic success factor in Almi's value creation. Almi is an organization with broad and deep competence among its employees, which is why active knowledge sharing and collaboration is the primary way of developing employees and operations.

Finance the company with loan

when you are going to build a new company or finance a growth investment.
